
Membership in the African Physical Society

The membership of the Society shall consist of the following categories:

1. National Physics Societies.

(a)          National and multi-national physics and physics-related on the African continent are eligible to become organizational member societies of the African Physical Society.

(b)          All organizational member societies are entitled to representation on the AfPS executive council.  All individual members of organizational member societies are automatically individual members of the African Physical Society.

2.  Individual Members.

(a)          Ordinary members.  Individuals, especially physicists and astronomers working in countries that have no national physics society, are eligible for direct ordinary membership in the African Physical Society.

(b)          Associate members. Associate membership shall be open to non-African physicists and astronomers working in Africa; or to physicists and astronomers who have their origin in Africa but who are ordinarily resident outside the continent.

3.  Members of the African Association of Physics Students (AAPS).

(a)          Any physics or astronomy student at any African university, or any African student studying abroad is eligible to become members of AAPS.  AAPS members are automatically members of the African Physical Society, and likewise student members of the African Physical Society are automatically members of the African Association of Physics Students.

4. Institutional/Corporate Members.

(a)          African university physics departments, African research institutes, and African corporations are eligible to become institutional/corporate members of the African Physical Society.

5.  International Associate Members.

(a)          Through various reciprocal agreements we invite members of non-African physics and physics-related societies as members of the African Physical Society.

6.  Honorary Members.

(a)          Honorary members are elected by the executive council of the African Physical Society.

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